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    New brand – POZIX


    In relation to the development of the project PIX and the Warsaw node launch as well as plans of next nodes launch in other cities in Poland, since October 19th 2015 we have changed the project’s name.

    The new brand – POZIX gains a dedicated logo and reflects in our belief the values that accompanied us at the moment of the foundation of our Internet exchange point in 2005.

    We feel historically associated with the city of Poznan and at the same time we continue operating the IP traffic exchange point based on positive relations with all, frequently competing with each other, participants of the Internet market.

    We assume that thanks to POZIX infrastructure and our efforts in result gain all – both internet access providers, content providers and end users as well.

    Thank you for your trust we have enjoyed for the last 10 years. We hope that our efforts aiming to gain the highest possible amount of project participants will be appreciated and will let us continue our cooperation.

    At the same time we inform that the following email addresses were activated:

    info@pozix.pl – main contact address; here we ask you to post all administrative and organisational issues regarding POZIX

    noc@pozix.pl – network operations centre; here we ask you to post all technical and maintenance issues regarding POZIX



    We are pleased to provide services to the following companies