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    Western Poland closer to the Facebook


    Western Poland closer to the Facebook

    We are pleased to announce that in POZIX internet traffic exchange point we have launched a direct connection to the Facebook network - the world's largest social networking site.

    The largest social networking site in the world is visited by over 2 billion users per month, generating enormous traffic on the Internet.

    The connection launched by our company has a bandwidth of 40 Gigabits per second. In the second half of the year, it will be increased to 100 Gbps.

    Thanks to it, the users of Facebook will gain faster and more reliable access to it, both through a mobile application and using a regular web browser.

    The POZIX internet traffic exchange point handles traffic at the rate of over 200 Gigabits per second, ensuring fast connections between the networks of Internet access providers and internet content providers, the number of which has exceeded 100.

    In addition, POZIX launched content caches of Google and Akamai, the leaders of internet content delivery services, located in the DataCenter at the City Stadium in Poznań.


    We are pleased to provide services to the following companies