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    Streaming transmissions

    Streaming service allows websites to enrich the content of multimedia content – video and audio in the form of objects embedded on web pages.

    Our offer includes support for the entire production process and the issuance of the content on the Internet. In this process comprises the following steps:

    1. Preparation of the telecommunications infrastructure of acquiring content place, including the provision of adequate local capacity transmission link.

    2. Provide necessary technical equipment: cameras, microphones, mixers, encoders, along with qualified staff.

    3. Delivery of transmission from contant acquiring place to our content delivery platform.

    4. Access to a large number of simultaneous transmissions on the Internet audience. We also provide mechanisms to secure access to content and paid access solutions such as using premium SMS, or instant wire transfer to online banks as well credit card payment.

    5. Optional archiving material and make it available to users on the basis of video on demand.

    Currently, our content delivery platform technology supports the following manufacturers:

    – Adobe Flash

    – Microsoft Silverlight

    We support all standard definition video materials including Full High Definition based on the H.264 codec.

    See an example of the implementation of our service delivery of multimedia content on the football club KKS Lech Poznań.

    We also invite you to have a look reportage of steam locomotives parade in Wolsztyn available on our servers, streaming services.